Thursday, 30 August 2012

What's Up Prime? Ep#1 Little Information [HD] (Se.1 Ep.1 Pilot)

Synopsis: Optimus teaches Bumblebee the ways of acronim thingy's such as LOL and LMFAO, but Bumblebee clearly doesn't understand the concept fully, and uses it in terrible timing

Monday, 27 August 2012

What's Up Prime? Comics Presents: Bring Down The Hammer

The first entry of the What's Up Prime? Comic Strips presenting Bring Down The Hammer featuring Cliffjumper and Optimus Prime, created by Larryartsproduction3 as well as TFanPage101

Friday, 24 August 2012

Good news

Yesterday, I had finally finished the What's Up Prime? Pilot Episode. Witness the first episode premiere on Tuesday August 28th 2012 on 

Thursday, 2 August 2012

August 2012 is the What's Up Prime? Month

Every Tuesday in August 2012 for TFanPage101 on Youtube, a new exclusive video for What's Up Prime? will be up and online   
August 7th 2012: V-Log   
August 14th 2012: Trailer 1 
August 21st 2012: V-Log 2 
August 28th 2012: Pilot Premiere (2 Year Anniversary of the Transformers Fan Page Facebook Page)